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Title Segment 1: Database Tools
Topic Topic 6: In Depth
In Brief
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Records Icon Query

The QUERY function displays the complete list of all records in the database:

  • Use: When you have a need to identify and view records that meet specific requirements
  • How: Select combinations from the eight available filter and search options that meet your needs 
  • Result: A list of records that match the filters and searches you requested
Export icon Export

The EXPORT function enables selected records in the database to be downloaded to a local computer:

  • Use: When you want to acquire selected data from the database for use in a spreadsheet or other application on a local computer
  • How: Select combinations from the twelve available filter and search options that meet your needs 
  • Result: Once the displayed list of records matches your criteria click on one of the three export formats available: CSV, XLSX or XML
print icon Print

The PRINT function provides a means to produce a checklist of species to download to a local computer for onward output to a printer:

  • Use: When you want a list of species recorded on a site, in a month, for a specific group of species or any combination of the three 
  • How: Select the site, species group and/or month as required from the available filters. Click 'Apply' to confirm your selection
  • Result: Once the displayed species list matches your criteria click on 'Print as PDF' and the PDF file will be downloaded for printing
index icon Site Index

The SITE INDEX provides an alphabetical list of the sites monitored in the Sidmouth area:

  • Use: When you know the name of the site you need information about
  • How: Enter all or part of the name into the site name box (or filter by site manager or level of protection)
  • Result: Any sites that contain the characters entered or filtered - click on a sites name for full details
map icon Site Map

The SITE MAP shows the sites monitored on a map of the Sidmouth area:

  • Use: When you are looking for a site in a particular part of the town
  • How: Enter all or part of the name into the site name box (or filter by site manager or level of protection)
  • Result: Any sites that contain the characters entered or filtered - click on a site pin and then name for full details
index icon Species Index

The SPECIES INDEX provides an alphabetical list of some of the animals and plants found in the Sidmouth area:

  • Use: When you know the name of the species you need information about
  • How: Enter all or part of the name into the species name, alternate name or scientific name search boxes
  • Result: Any species records that contain the characters entered - click on a species name for full details
identification icon Species Identification

The SPECIES IDENTIFICATION tool provides assistance in identifying an animal or plant found in the Sidmouth area:

  • Use: When you have seen something and want help identifying what it was
  • How: Use the diverse array of filters and searches that reflect what and where you saw the species
  • Result: Any display of species that match the filters and searches specified