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Title Segment 3: Library
Topic Topic 6: In Depth
In Brief
General Note
Primary Text
There are no primary text for this segment
Some additional information
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Available Options
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thread icon Threads

In the THREAD section you will find:

  • An INDEX of THREADS, each thread being a collection of articles related to a specific topic
  • An INDEX of ARTICLES where individual articles of interest can be accessed
  • A means to FOLLOW the entire thread of articles sequentially
library icon Library

In the LIBRARY all the descriptive text from the many entities on this website have been brought together where they can be searched and filtered. The library has articles about: 

  • SPECIES groups, orders, families and at individual species level
  • SITE within clusters, habitat types and geology as well as at individual site level
  • GENERAL interest items such calendar months, the site user guide and more
audio icon Podcast

In the PODCAST section you will find:

  • Discussions explaining the background to the Sidmouth area and this nature exploration project
  • Discussions explaining the features of the natural environment of the Sidmouth area; geology, habitat types and interest sites
  • Discussions explaining the nature of animals and plants found in the Sidmouth area and a guide as to when they might be seen
photos icon Gallery Menu

In the GALLERY section you will find:

  • An array of all the SPECIES PHOTOGRAPHS used in this website
  • An array of all the SITES PHOTOGRAPHS used in this website
  • An array of all the HABITAT PHOTOGRAPHS used in this website
news desk Whats New?

The WHAT'S NEW section provides a list of recently added items from various sources:

  • ARTICLES: Notes on all manner of topics including environmental, ecological and conservation topics
  • SPECIES: Detailed descriptions of any new species found on project survey visits
  • NATURE NOTES: Occasional informal notes about species found in the Sidmouth area