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The Natural Environment

in this section you can explore how the key features of the natural world (geology, habitat, geographic location and management) influence the species found in the Sidmouth area. This function follows a 'top down' approach and you can progress down through the various levels from the starting point of choosing a particular aspect (geology, habitat, clusters and management) all the way down to species level discovering a wide range of textual, graphic and audio resources on the way.

Topic 2: The Natural Environment
Click to access Segment Title In Brief
Geology Icon Segment 1: Foundation Geology

This segment provides an overview of the geology of the Sidmouth area in East Devon, focusing on the different rock formations present and their origins. It highlights the area's diverse geological history, spanning from the Permian to the Cretaceous periods, and emphasizes the significance of… click to read more

Habitat Icon Segment 2: Primary Habitats

This segment introduces the habitat section of the Sidmouth Nature project. The text primarily focuses on explaining habitat types found in the area, specifically using plants as indicators. The author explains how to identify different habitats using click to read more

cluster icon Segment 3: Site Clusters

This segment introduces the concept of "site clusters" as a method of grouping areas of natural interest in the Sidmouth area for comparative purposes. These clusters are based on three factors: geographical proximity, common habitat or influence, and geological base rock. The segment then goes… click to read more

explore icon Segment 4: Explore

This segment introduces a number of suggested routes for short walks that visit many of the sites of natural interest within the Sidmouth area providing directions, photographs and species lists of the sites that the walk visits.

This segment has two further options:

  1. A tool to… click to read more