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Animal Life

in this section you can explore the animal life that has been recorded on the sites of natural interest during survey visits as part of the Sidmouth Nature project. This function follows a 'top down' approach and you can progress down through the various levels from the starting point of choosing a 'group' of related species (tetrapods, birds, insects and other arthropods) all the way down to species level discovering a wide range of textual, graphic and audio resources on the way.

Topic 3: Animal Life
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Tetrapod icon Segment 1: Mammals Reptiles and Amphibians

This segment explores the presence of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in the Sidmouth Nature project area in the United Kingdom. It highlights the diversity and ecological importance of these animal classes, explaining their key characteristics and adaptations. 

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Bird Icon Segment 2: Birds

The segment explores the avian biodiversity of Sidmouth. It reveals that, despite a limited area and significant development, the region supports a moderate number of bird species, primarily found in parks, gardens, farmland and hedgerows. 

The text highlights the importance of the… click to read more

Insect Icon Segment 3: Insects

This segment is an introductory guide to the insect life found in the Sidmouth area of the UK. It begins with a general overview of the importance of insects within ecosystems, focusing on the many roles they play, including pollination, decomposition, and pest control. 

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Arthropod Logo Segment 4: Other Animal Life Forms

This segment provides an overview of arthropods, arachnids, and molluscs, highlighting their defining characteristics, ecological roles, and diversity. It focuses on the Sidmouth Nature project, which aims to identify and study these creatures in the local area. 

The text explains how… click to read more