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Plant Life

in this section you can explore the plant life that has been recorded on the sites of natural interest during survey visits as part of the Sidmouth Nature project. This function follows a 'top down' approach and you can progress down through the various levels from the starting point of choosing a 'group' of related species (flowering plants, grasses and their relatives, non-flowering plants and fungi and lichen) all the way down to species level discovering a wide range of textual, graphic and audio resources on the way.

Topic 4: Plant Life
Click to access Segment Title In Brief
Flower icon Segment 1: Flowering Plants

Flowering plants are essential to life on Earth, providing food and oxygen through photosynthesis, and enriching landscapes with their beauty. These plants, also known as angiosperms, boast an incredible diversity of species, each adapted to unique environments. 

The Sidmouth Nature… click to read more

Grass Icon Segment 2: Grasses Rushes and Sedges

This segment focuses on the grasses, sedges, and rushes that are found in various habitats, particularly wetlands. It highlights the vital roles these plants play in supporting biodiversity, filtering water, and capturing carbon. 

The text also notes how these plant species are… click to read more

Fern Icon Segment 3: Non-Flowering Plants

The segment provides an overview of non-flowering plants, known as cryptogams, which reproduce using spores rather than seeds. It categorises them into bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts), pteridophytes (ferns and horsetails), and other organisms like fungi, lichens, moulds, and algae… click to read more

Fungi Icon Segment 4: Fungi and Lichen

The segment explores the fascinating world of cryptogams, particularly fungi, lichen, and slime moulds, as studied by the Sidmouth Nature project. It highlights their unique characteristics, ecological importance, and challenges associated with identifying them. 

Fungi are crucial… click to read more